I am a man.
Some days I wear lots of jewelry, and some days I don’t. On
occasion I prefer my clothes to be light and airy, but on most days I stick
with my novelty t-shirts and blue jeans. Every day of the week, I dance around
like a fool and sing along to the songs in my head. I like cats as well as
dogs. Beer makes me cringe, but wine is my friend. Sports have never been of
great interest to me, but in a crowd I can bring my testosterone to a boil like
the best of them. I work part time and scrape by, but I’m happy with what I do
and I don’t depend upon other people to keep myself alive. I can grow a full
beard though I have never let it get beyond a few days of stubble. My emotions
work hard to rule my big life decisions, and my head has learned to at least
listen to what they have to say. Whatever my mood of the day, one fact still
remains: I am most assuredly a man.